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Claude Debussy

Classical music
Born into a family of small shopkeepers and a prodigious pianist, Claude Debussy entered the Paris Conservatoire at the age of 10. His teachers included Antoine-François Marmontel, Emile Durand, Charles Gounod and César Franck. The Baroness von Mecks, a Russian patron of the arts, engages him. He accompanied Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky and met Richard Wagner. Grand Prix de Rome in 1884, he shared the life of the ravishing Gaby Dupont, and became friends with Paul Dukas, Erik Satie, Stéphane Mallarmé, Paul Verlaine and Pierre Louÿs. In Vienna, he meets Johannes Brahms. He married a p...
PreludeClaude Debussy, Ana Vives and Jhosemaria


My Reverie
My ReverieBarry De Vorzon, Ira Sullivan, Larry Clinton and Claude Debussy

Larry Clinton In Hi-Fi


Pinch me
Pinch meFrédéric Chopin, Claude Debussy and Dave Brannigan

Claude Debussy

Nuit d'étoiles
Nuit d'étoilesClaude Debussy and Théodore de BANVILLE


Beau Soir
Beau SoirEvgenia Markova & Vladimir Kirasirov, Claude Debussy, Paul Bourget and Lyubov Petrova

Clair De Lune, Reverie - Debussy: Moon Songs Au Clair De La Lune And Other Classical New Age Piano Music Favorites


Clair De Lune
Clair De LuneClaude Debussy

Debussy : Suite Bergamasque - Pour le Piano - Estampes - Imazges (oubliées

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