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Claudia Jung

Pop music
Schlager music
Christmas music
In response to the wave of American and British rock & roll that made its way into Germany following the Second World War, kitsch, home-grown pop entertainers began to flood the charts with their own cheery, wholesome romantic hits sung in their native tongue. Known as 'schlager music', Claudia Jung became one of the genre's big stars in the 80s and 90s, scoring a long list of top 40 albums and being dubbed 'the great lady of German pop'. Growing up in Ratingen, near Dusseldorf in West Germany, Jung (real name Ute Krummenast) was a dental nurse and laboratory technician before mo...
Domani l'Amore Vincera
Domani l'Amore VinceraClaudia Jung



Stumme Signale
Stumme SignaleClaudia Jung

Etwas Fur Die Ewigkeit

AtemlosClaudia Jung

Halt Mich Fest


Je t'aime mon amour
Je t'aime mon amourRichard Clayderman and Claudia Jung

Claudia Jung


Frieden allezeit
Frieden allezeitClaudia Jung

Fuer Immer

Komm und tanz ein letztes Mal mit mir
Komm und tanz ein letztes Mal mit mirClaudia Jung

Claudia Jung

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