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Cliff Martinez

Rock music
Electronic music
Film score
Getting fired from his job as drummer in The Red Hot Chilli Peppers launched Cliff Martinez into a successful career as a TV and film music composer. His dismissal from the band by founding members Flea and Kiedis was brought about because they felt Martinez lacked commitment . Martinez had played on the band's successful debut album and its follow-up Freaky Styley but during the recording of the third album, The Uplift Mofo Party Plan, he was served notice to quit and subsequently turned his attention to writing for TV and film. Early work on the score for Pee Wee Herman's Playh...
Under Your Spell
Under Your SpellCliff Martinez and 8


On the Beach
On the BeachCliff Martinez

Drive [B.O.F.]


HammerCliff Martinez

Drive [B.O.F.]


Where's the Deluxe Version?
Where's the Deluxe Version?Cliff Martinez

Drive [B.O.F.]


He Had a Good Time
He Had a Good TimeCliff Martinez

Drive [B.O.F.]


Tick of the Clock
Tick of the ClockCliff Martinez and Chromatics

Night Drive


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