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Cock Robin

Rock music
Pop rock
AM pop rock
Ironically, Cock Robin is one of those American bands that has mainly sold in Europe, so much so that many thought it was a British outfit. Yet it was on the Californian coast that Peter Kingsbery and Anna LaCazio's band was born in 1982. Having left their mark on the 1980s with hits such as "Just Around the Corner" and "The Promise You Made", this quartet, then finally duo, died out in 1990 after three studio albums... before reforming sixteen years later, for a fourth opus, I Don't Want to Save the World, followed by a fifth in 2010, Songs From a Bell Tower. This jolt preceded ...
El Norte
El NorteCock Robin

After Here Through Midland


Another Story
Another StoryCock Robin

After Here Through Midland


More Than Willing
More Than WillingCock Robin

Cock Robin


For Dear Life
For Dear LifeCock Robin

Songs From A Bell Tower

For Experience Sake
For Experience SakeCock Robin

First Love/last Rites


When Your Heart Is Weak
When Your Heart Is WeakCock Robin

Best Of Cock Robin


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