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Coleman Rogers

Don't Trade It
Don't Trade ItMichael Culhane, Mike Stone, John Sharples, Matt Keating and Coleman Rogers


I'll Never Live It Down (Live on Metrowave '87 Boston)
I'll Never Live It Down (Live on Metrowave '87 Boston)Michael Culhane, Mike Stone, John Sharples, Matt Keating and Coleman Rogers


Looking out My Mirror
Looking out My MirrorMichael Culhane, Mike Stone, John Sharples, Matt Keating and Coleman Rogers


Cause of Us
Cause of UsMichael Culhane, Mike Stone, John Sharples, Matt Keating and Coleman Rogers


Get That Frame out of Your Mind (Live on Metrowave '87 Boston)
Get That Frame out of Your Mind (Live on Metrowave '87 Boston)Michael Culhane, Mike Stone, John Sharples, Matt Keating and Coleman Rogers


People Outgrow (Live on Metrowave '87 Boston)
People Outgrow (Live on Metrowave '87 Boston)Michael Culhane, Mike Stone, John Sharples, Matt Keating and Coleman Rogers
