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Community Arts Project: LA

For Now
For NowCommunity Arts Project: LA, Rachel Mazer, Allee Futterer, Tom Player and Nina Herzog

PersonalCommunity Arts Project: LA, David Davis, Stewart Hidalgo, Nicole Row, Telecommuter and Ryan Gilligan

Resting Takes It Out Of Me
Resting Takes It Out Of MeCommunity Arts Project: LA, Mark Hadley, Bridesmen, Lindsay Kay, Will Hensley and Alex Hoeffken

TreasureCommunity Arts Project: LA, Bad Mime, Leeann Skoda, Ryan Gilligan, Nate Haze and Wynne Bennett

Standing Still
Standing StillCommunity Arts Project: LA, David Davis, The Astronots and Will Van Boldrik

clone Together
clone TogetherCommunity Arts Project: LA, Eva Reistad, Jake Reed, Balam Garcia, Joachim Berose and Aleks von Korff