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Dan Wilson

Rock music
Folk rock
As front man of 1990s indie pop balladeers Semisonic, Dan Wilson penned the hits 'Closing Time' and 'Secret Smile', before co-writing songs with some of the world's biggest stars and releasing a string of solo albums. Born in Minneapolis, Wilson grew up listening to bright, melodic, 1960s pop and funky jazz records and after graduating from Harvard University he joined his younger brother Matt Wilson's soft rock outfit Trip Shakespeare as guitarist in the late-1980s. They made two albums for A&M Records before their gentle pop sensibilities were swamped by the explosion of the...
Free Life
Free LifeDan Wilson

Free Life


You Take My Troubles Away
You Take My Troubles AwayRachael Yamagata and Dan Wilson


Closing Time
Closing TimeDan Wilson

Good Morning Baby
Good Morning BabyBic Runga and Dan Wilson

Together in Concert: Live


BreathlessDan Wilson

Free Life


All Kinds
All KindsDan Wilson

Free Life

