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Daniel Hope

Classical music
Film score
Born in South Africa, raised in England, resident in Berlin with a British-Irish heritage, the gifted violinist Daniel Hope has a peripatetic family background which has helped him develop a style which takes its influences from a variety of sources. His grandparents fled Berlin to live in South Africa to escape Nazi oppression and his parents fled South Africa to the UK to escape apartheid. Relocating to the UK gave Hope the opportunity to study violin at the renowned Yehudi Menuhin School in Surrey and he later went on to attend the Royal Academy of Music where he studied under...
Cantique de Jean Racine, Op. 11 (Arr. Rutter)
Cantique de Jean Racine, Op. 11 (Arr. Rutter)Gabriel Fauré, Daniel Hope, Deutsches Kammerorchester Berlin, Rundfunkchor Berlin and Simon Halsey



Gestern noch
Gestern nochGötz Alsmann and Daniel Hope

...Bei Nacht...


Spring 3 - 2012
Spring 3 - 2012Max Richter, Daniel Hope, André de Ridder, Raphael Alpermann and Konzerthaus Kammerorchester Berlin

Recomposed by Max Richter: Vivaldi - The Four Seasons

Winter 1
Winter 1Max Richter, Daniel Hope, André de Ridder / Konzerthaus Kammerorchester Berlin / Max Richter / Daniel Hope, Raphael Alpermann and Konzerthaus Kammerorchester Berlin

Recomposed by Max Richter: Vivaldi - The Four Seasons



Cosimo Maria Palopoli, Daniel Hope and I Virtuosi Italiani

Einaudi: Experience (Orchestral)

ExperienceLudovico Einaudi, Daniel Hope and I Virtuosi Italiani

In a Time Lapse

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