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Danny Polo

If You Were the Only Girl in the World
If You Were the Only Girl in the WorldDanny Polo and Danny Polo and His Swing Stars


I May Be Wrong
I May Be WrongClaude Thornhill, Red Rodney, Al Anthony, Billy Barber, Allan Langstaff, Louis Mucci, Danny Polo, Sandy Siegelstein, Eddie Zandy and John Torick

The Uncollected Claude Thornhill And His Orchestra


Oh, You Beautiful Doll
Oh, You Beautiful DollClaude Thornhill, Red Rodney, Al Anthony, Billy Barber, Allan Langstaff, Louis Mucci, Danny Polo, Sandy Siegelstein, Eddie Zandy and John Torick


It All Comes Back to Me Now
It All Comes Back to Me NowJack Teagarden, David Allyn, Sid Feller, Jose Gutierrez, Danny Polo, Pokey Carriere, Joe Ferrall, Seymour Goldfinger and John Fallstitch


Mujer prohibida
Mujer prohibidaDanny Polo


dog dad
dog dadDanny Polo