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Darwin Deez

Rock music
Pop rock
US alternative rock
With the band that bears his name, Darwin Deez (born Darwin Smith) made his mark on the New York scene with enthusiastically received shows. This troublemaker of diverse influences, from '70s pop rock to '90s noisy indie rock, scored his first hit with the single "Constellations". Spring 2010 saw the release of a kaleidoscopic debut album of his "happy songs for sad people". The second opus, Songs for Imaginative People, released in 2013, tends towards more classic rock. An apprentice studio wizard, Darwin Deez does everything himself, from writing to mixing, as he does again on ...
Bad Day
Bad DayChiddy Bang and Darwin Deez

Darwin Deez

Radar Detector
Radar DetectorDarwin Deez

Darwin Deez

RedshiftDarwin Deez

Songs for Imaginative People


The World's Best Kisser
The World's Best KisserDarwin Deez


Chelsea's Hotel
Chelsea's HotelDarwin Deez

Songs for Imaginative People


You Can't Be My Girl
You Can't Be My GirlDarwin Deez

Songs for Imaginative People


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