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Dave Loggins

Rock music
Folk rock
Pop rock
Best known for the 1974 hit single “Please Come to Boston,” singer and songwriter Dave Loggins was born November 10, 1947, in Mountain City, Tennessee. A second cousin to pop star Kenny Loggins, Dave Loggins launched his solo career with 1972’s Personal Belongings, establishing his country-tinged pop sound. His breakthrough came with 1974’s Apprentice (In a Musical Workshop), which climbed to number 53 on the album chart thanks to the single “Please Come to Boston,” a number 5 pop hit in the U.S. and Canada that topped the Easy Listening chart. He released three more albums durin...
Please Come to Boston
Please Come to BostonDave Loggins

Apprentice (In a Musical Workshop)


Sunset Woman
Sunset WomanDave Loggins

Apprentice (In a Musical Workshop)

Pieces of April
Pieces of AprilDave Loggins

Personal Belongings


Please Come to Boston
Please Come to BostonDave Loggins

Apprentice (In a Musical Workshop)

Nobody Loves Me Like You Do
Nobody Loves Me Like You DoDave Loggins and Anne Murray

Heart Over Mind


Please Come to Boston
Please Come to BostonTaylor LaCourse and Dave Loggins


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