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Dave McMurray

Born in Detroit, Michigan on February 22, 1955, Dave McMurray is a jazz saxophonist, composer, and bandleader known both for his solo recordings as well as his prolific work as a session man. He began playing saxophone when he was young, honing his skills while playing live and attending workshops. In 1972, he joined avant-garde jazz outfit Griot Galaxy, and continued to master his instrument. Dave McMurray gained even more experience when he was hired to play in blues guitarist Albert King’s live band. In 1981, he played on recording sessions by Griot Galaxy and new Detroit-base...
Nobody But You
Nobody But YouJon Regen, Ron Carter and Dave McMurray

Killing Me Softly with His Song
Killing Me Softly with His SongDavid McMurray, Dave McMurray and Bonnie Peele



Eye of the Hurricane
Eye of the HurricaneJon Regen and Dave McMurray
