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David Lanz

Electronic music
New Age
David Lanz is one of the biggest instrumental stars of the last 30 years, a Grammy-nominated pianist whose solo recordings have sold consistently and made him a leading exponent of new age music. His 1988 album 'Cristofori's Dream' - named for Bartolomeo Cristofori di Francesco, who is regarded as the inventor of the piano - established his style and became the first number one when Billboard Magazine introduced its New Age Chart in 1988. As a teenager, the Seattle-born musician played in rock and roll bands in local venues but soon moved on to nightclubs as a solo pianist. Pl...
For No One
For No OneDavid Lanz

Here Comes The Sun


I Am the Walrus
I Am the WalrusDavid Lanz

Here Comes The Sun


Please Please Me
Please Please MeDavid Lanz

Here Comes The Sun

Mother Nature's Son
Mother Nature's SonDavid Lanz

Here Comes The Sun


Bus Stop
Bus StopDavid Lanz

Songs From An English Garden


Lovely Rita
Lovely RitaDavid Lanz, Walter Gray and Gary Stroutsos

