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David Stimson (contributor)

Swallowing the Time
Swallowing the TimeDuncan Fellows, Timothy Stollenwerk, Tim Hagen (contributor), John Malonis (contributor), Colin Harman (contributor), David Stimson (contributor), Cullen Trevino (contributor) and Marshall Pruitt (contributor)


Public Pool
Public PoolDuncan Fellows, Timothy Stollenwerk, Tim Hagen (contributor), John Malonis (contributor), Colin Harman (contributor), David Stimson (contributor), Cullen Trevino (contributor) and Marshall Pruitt (contributor)


Morning in a Garden
Morning in a GardenDuncan Fellows, Timothy Stollenwerk, Tim Hagen (contributor), John Malonis (contributor), Colin Harman (contributor), David Stimson (contributor), Cullen Trevino (contributor) and Marshall Pruitt (contributor)


I Like to Think I Had a Dream of You
I Like to Think I Had a Dream of YouDuncan Fellows, Timothy Stollenwerk, Tim Hagen (contributor), John Malonis (contributor), Colin Harman (contributor), David Stimson (contributor), Cullen Trevino (contributor) and Marshall Pruitt (contributor)


See You Soon
See You SoonDuncan Fellows, Timothy Stollenwerk, Tim Hagen (contributor), John Malonis (contributor), Colin Harman (contributor), David Stimson (contributor), Cullen Trevino (contributor) and Marshall Pruitt (contributor)


The Orb
The OrbDuncan Fellows, Timothy Stollenwerk, Tim Hagen (contributor), John Malonis (contributor), Colin Harman (contributor), David Stimson (contributor), Cullen Trevino (contributor) and Marshall Pruitt (contributor)
