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Début de soirée

(Debut de soiree)

Electronic music
Dance music
French mainstream pop
The result of a meeting between a radio programmer and a DJ, the duo Début de Soirée are the authors of the 1980s dance hit "Nuit de folie". The duo was born in 1984 from the meeting of radio host Sascha Goëller, originally from Marseille, and William Picard, a DJ at a discotheque in Aix-en-Provence. In 1987, they released their first maxi, "Mister DJ", under the name Yankee. The following year, under the name Début de Soirée, they offered their signature track, "Nuit de folie", to the CBS label. On July 16, 1988, the song shot to the top of the Top 50 and stayed there for nine w...
La vie la nuit
La vie la nuitDébut de soirée (Debut de soiree)

Jardins d'Enfants


Nuit de folie
Nuit de folieDébut de soirée (Debut de soiree)

Jardins d'Enfants


Nuit de folie
Nuit de folieDébut de soirée (Debut de soiree)

Jardins d'Enfants

Mister DJ
Mister DJDébut de soirée (Debut de soiree)

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