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Diamond Rio

Country music
Country folk
Country soul
Diamond Rio play a mix of bluegrass and country and are known for their vocal harmonies. Most of the members first got together in a band as an attraction at the Opryland theme park in Nashville in 1982. Marty Roe had been touring since the age of 12 with Windsong and Jimmy Orlander had worked with the Nitty Gritty Dirt Band and Foster & Lloyd. They spent much of the 1980s touring as the bluegrass outfit The Tennessee River Boys. When Dana Williams joined in 1989 they changed their name to Diamond Rio, based on a logo they had seen on the side of a truck. The band released the...
Meet in the Middle
Meet in the MiddleDiamond Rio


One More Day
One More DayDiamond Rio

One More Day


Beautiful Mess
Beautiful MessDiamond Rio



Love a Little Stronger
Love a Little StrongerDiamond Rio


How Your Love Makes Me Feel
How Your Love Makes Me FeelDiamond Rio


Meet in the Middle
Meet in the MiddleDiamond Rio

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