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Dick Rivers

Rock music
Country rock
Country music
Dick Rivers, real name Hervé Forneri, was born on April 24, 1945 in Nice, France. He is one of the pioneers of French rock. Inspired by the American rock 'n' roll of Elvis Presley, Gene Vincent and Eddie Cochran, Dick Rivers helped adapt this musical genre for French audiences. The son of butcher shopkeepers, the choirboy turned to rock after meeting the guitarist brothers Jean-Claude and Gérard Roboly. He adopted the pseudonym Dick Rivers in reference to the character of Deke Rivers portrayed by Elvis Presley in the film Loving You , and with the two musicians formed the group J...
Est-ce que tu le sais?
Est-ce que tu le sais?Les Chats Sauvages and Dick Rivers

Faire un pont
Faire un pontDick Rivers

Very Dick

Nice baie des anges
Nice baie des angesDick Rivers


Faire un pont
Faire un pontDick Rivers

Mississippi River's



Amoureux de Vous !

Sur Le Toit Du Monde
Sur Le Toit Du MondeDick Rivers

L'Homme Sans Âge

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