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DJ Erise

Soul music
Electro pop
Electronic music
DJ Erise came to the attention of JoeyStarr (NTM) at a reggae festival held at the Bataclan in Paris, where he was working as a drummer at the age of 15. Born in 1982 in the Yvelines region of France, he grew up with the rhythms of jazz, funk and blues, joining a drum school at the age of ten. He subsequently became a drummer for a number of artists, hoping to reach the level of his role models Manu Katché and Paco Séry. In 2001, the musician toured with rappers Psy4 de la Rime and Arsenik as DJ for nine months. He then accompanied Pit Baccardi at the Urban Peace festival at the ...
Casse la démarche (Casse la demarche)
Casse la démarche (Casse la demarche)DJ Erise, Vegeta and Djazzi



Alors on sort
Alors on sortAlonzo, DJ Erise and Docness

Amour, Gloire & Cité


Je fais des tours
Je fais des toursSasso and DJ Erise

Enfant2LaRue Vol. 2 (Réédition)


Je peux pas
Je peux pasDJ Erise and Franglish



Près de toi (Pres de toi)
Près de toi (Pres de toi)DJ Erise and Joé Dwèt Filé (Joe Dwet File)

Près de toi


En altitude
En altitudeDJ Erise, KeBlack and Mister You



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