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DJ Pon-3

This Day Aria - Cinematic Remix
This Day Aria - Cinematic Remix 

DJ Pon-3's Version

My Little Pony and DJ Pon-3

Time To Be Awesome
Time To Be Awesome 

00s Pop Remix

My Little Pony, Chelsea Grams and DJ Pon-3

Equestria Girls (Cafeteria Song) - hyperpop remix
Equestria Girls (Cafeteria Song) - hyperpop remix 

DJ Pon-3's Version

My Little Pony and DJ Pon-3


Equestria Girls Opening Titles Remix Extended
Equestria Girls Opening Titles Remix ExtendedMy Little Pony and DJ Pon-3

A True, True Friend (Acoustic)
A True, True Friend (Acoustic) 

DJ Pon-3's Version

My Little Pony, Freddii and DJ Pon-3

Songs Of Ponyville

Smile Song
Smile Song 

Buddygirrl Remix

Daniel Ingram and DJ Pon-3

DJ PON-3 Presents My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic Remixed
