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DJ Tn Malvadão

(DJ Tn Malvadao)

Rap music
World music
Born on December 6, 2000, in Belo Horizonte, DJ Tn Malvadão has quickly emerged as a prominent producer in the Brazilian funk scene. Inspired by renowned DJs from a young age, he set his sights on becoming an artist, dedicating himself to honing his craft. His hard work paid off when his 2024 debut track, "MTG - Vamos Ganhar pela Viela," amassed 100,000 plays within its first month, marking his entry into the spotlight. Known for his passion for production, DJ Tn Malvadão continued his musical evolution with other popular tracks such as "Medley de Outro Mundo," "Medley Relikias d...
MTG - Vamos Ganhar Pela Viela
MTG - Vamos Ganhar Pela VielaDJ Tn Malvadão and Mc Máscara (DJ Tn Malvadao and Mc Mascara)

Mtg - Vamos Ganhar pela Viela


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