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Don Raye

I'll Remember April
I'll Remember AprilKitty Carlisle Hart, Gene DePaul, Don Raye, Patricia Johnston and Harry Sosnik & His Orchestra


I'll Remember April
I'll Remember AprilMort Weiss, Gene DePaul, Don Raye and Patricia Johnston

Miles Davis and the Modern Jazz Giants


I'll Remember April
I'll Remember AprilBruce Arnold, Gene DePaul, Don Raye and Pat Johnston

The House of Blue Lights
The House of Blue LightsFreddie Slack, Ella Mae Morse and Don Raye

Mosaic Select


I'll Remember April
I'll Remember AprilDee Dee Joy, Gene DePaul, Don Raye, Patricia Johnston and Larry Franco


This Is My Country
This Is My CountryBilly Gaines, Don Raye, Al Jacobs, Richmond Public Schools (contributor) and Richmond Elementary School Choir (contributor)
