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Dorothy Sherman

Electronic music
Electronic dance music (EDM)
3 Minutes to Explain
3 Minutes to ExplainFedde Le Grand, Funkerman, Andy Sherman and Dorothy Sherman

Ride My Tempo

3 Minutes to Explain
3 Minutes to ExplainDavid Guetta, Fedde Le Grand, Funkerman, Andy Sherman and Dorothy Sherman



3 Minutes to Explain
3 Minutes to ExplainQuintino, Fedde Le Grand, Funkerman, Andy Sherman and Dorothy Sherman


3 Minutes to Explain
3 Minutes to ExplainFedde Le Grand, Funkerman, Andy Sherman and Dorothy Sherman


3 Minutes to Explain
3 Minutes to ExplainFedde Le Grand, Funkerman, Andy Sherman and Dorothy Sherman

3 Minutes to Explain
3 Minutes to ExplainFedde Le Grand, Funkerman, Andy Sherman and Dorothy Sherman