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Drew Dempsey

Wild Horse
Wild HorseCarmen Vandenberg, Brooke Howard, Drew Dempsey and Lyell Roeder


She's Always in My Hair (Live at Sunset Sound)
She's Always in My Hair (Live at Sunset Sound)Drew Dempsey, Carmen Vandenberg, Chris Watson, Lyell Roeder, Sean Hurley, Prince Rogers Nelson and Dylan Elise


Whole Lotta Love
Whole Lotta LoveBrittany Nichole, Willie Dixon, Jimmy Page, Robert Plant, John Paul Jones, John Bonham, Carmen Vandenberg, Drew Dempsey, Lyell Roeder and Bill Mims


I’m Always in Love (Live at Sunset Sound Recorders, 2020)
I’m Always in Love (Live at Sunset Sound Recorders, 2020)Drew Dempsey, Jay Bennett, Jeff Tweedy and Lindsey Compton
