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Elen Levon

Electronic music
Dance pop
Born in Ukraine and brought to Australia as a child, Elen Levon joined the pop group Panjo 5 in 2008 at the age of thirteen. A product of reality TV, Panjo 5 only lasted two singles. Elen Levon went on to support the likes of 500 Cent and Lil'Kim in Australia, before signing to dance label Ministry of Sound. Elen Levon made her mark on the local market with "Naughty" in 2011 and "Like a Girl in Love" in 2012. Released in August 2012, "Dancing to the Same Song" opened the door to international fame in February 2013.
Dancing to the Same Song
Dancing to the Same Song 

Radio Edit

Elen Levon

Dancing to the Same Song


Dancing to the Same Song
Dancing to the Same SongElen Levon


Wild Child
Wild ChildElen Levon

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