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Elizabeth Hunnicutt Summers

Have Your Way (Live)
Have Your Way (Live)Elizabeth Hunnicutt Summers, Trent Smith, Conner Bruce, Jacob Lane, Marcel Franco, Richie Biggs and Robby Bruce


Good News Great Joy
Good News Great JoyElizabeth Hunnicutt Summers, Seth Condrey, Twin Lakes Worship, Brandon Li, Brian Steckler and Dave Matsumura

Roar of Heaven (Holy)
Roar of Heaven (Holy)Elizabeth Hunnicutt Summers, Mat Ogden, Trent Smith, Dan Bailey, Shane Tiller, Roberto Bruno, Brian Steckler, Samuel Talbert (contributor) and Brandon Pasion (contributor)


Won't Stop Praising
Won't Stop PraisingTrent Smith, Mat Ogden, Dan Bailey, Elizabeth Hunnicutt Summers, Shane Tiller, Benji Cowart, Brian Steckler, Samuel Talbert (contributor) and Corrina Jennings (contributor)


Setting Us Apart (Live)
Setting Us Apart (Live)Conner Bruce, Trent Smith, Elizabeth Hunnicutt Summers, Jacob Lane, Marcel Franco, Richie Biggs, Robby Bruce, Leslie McKee and Theresa Amundrud


Be Still (The Lord Is Good) [Live]
Be Still (The Lord Is Good) [Live]Elizabeth Hunnicutt Summers, Trent Smith, Conner Bruce, Ian Pitter, Jacob Lane, Marcel Franco, Richie Biggs and Robby Bruce
