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Emile Ford & the Checkmates

Rock music
Pop rock
After You've Gone
After You've GoneEmile Ford, The Checkmates and Emile Ford & the Checkmates

Counting Teardrops (the Pye/piccadilly Anthology)


Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me
Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss MeEmile Ford, The Checkmates and Emile Ford & the Checkmates

Counting Teardrops (the Pye/piccadilly Anthology)


I'll Be Satisfied
I'll Be SatisfiedEmile Ford, The Checkmates and Emile Ford & the Checkmates

New Tracks With Emile


White Christmas
White ChristmasEmile Ford, The Checkmates and Emile Ford & the Checkmates

Counting Teardrops (the Pye/piccadilly Anthology)


That Lucky Old Sun
That Lucky Old SunEmile Ford, The Checkmates and Emile Ford & the Checkmates

Emile Ford


When the Swallows Come Back to Capistrano
When the Swallows Come Back to Capistrano 

Previously Unreleased Track

Emile Ford, The Checkmates and Emile Ford & the Checkmates

Counting Teardrops (the Pye/piccadilly Anthology)
