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Eric Scott

Show Me the Way
Show Me the WayEric Scott

Slow Down
Slow DownJim Buckley, Dave Collins, Eric Scott, Andy Hamburger, Bryan Ewald, James Buckley, Jim Ebert, Kara Davis and Sean Russell


Learn to Remember to Forget
Learn to Remember to ForgetBob Miller, Dave Collins, Eric Scott, Andy Hamburger, Bryan Ewald, Jim Ebert, Jonathan Friedman and Sean Russell


This Thing Inside of Me
This Thing Inside of MeMichael Zampi, Dave Collins, Tommy Gann, Eric Scott, Andy Hamburger, Bryan Ewald, Jim Ebert and Sean Russell


Under My Skin
Under My SkinJeff Porter, Dave Collins, Tommy Gann, Eric Scott, Buddy Speir, Andy Hamburger, Jim Ebert, Sean Russell, John Brandt and Mark Burton


Chase Me, I'll Chase You
Chase Me, I'll Chase YouEric Scott
