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Ezra Collective

Contemporary jazz
Electro jazz
A quintet formed in London in 2012, Ezra Collective then included Joe Armon-Jones (keyboards), Dylan Jones (trumpet, then Ife Ogunjobi in 2019), James Mollison (saxophone) and brothers TJ Koleoso (bass) and Femi Koleoso (drums). Located in the London movement of the 2010s, combining cosmic jazz, funk, rap and Afrobeat, the band released the EPs Chapter 7 (2016) and Juan Pablo: The Philosopher (2018), and played to sold-out crowds, earning them attention from DJ Gilles Peterson and honors from Jazz FM radio, which named them Best British Band and Stage Experience of the Year, ahea...
What Am I To Do?
What Am I To Do?Ezra Collective and Loyle Carner

You Can't Steal My Joy


Quest For Coin
Quest For CoinEzra Collective

You Can't Steal My Joy


Space is the Place
Space is the PlaceEzra Collective

You Can't Steal My Joy


Reason In Disguise
Reason In DisguiseEzra Collective and Jorja Smith

You Can't Steal My Joy


Why You Mad?
Why You Mad?Ezra Collective

You Can't Steal My Joy


May The Funk Be With You
May The Funk Be With YouEzra Collective

May the Funk Be with You

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