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Fiddler's Green

Rock music
Punk rock
Folk rock
Fiddler's Green is a folk-rock band from Germany founded in 1990. The band was formed when members of the group X-Rated and the duo Willi and Albi joined forces. The newly founded formation consisting of Ralf Albers, Peter Pathos and Rainer Schulz initially called themselves Irish Duo. A short time later, more members join and the name changes to Fiddler's Green. The newcomers entered a competition for young musicians in Erlangen and came second. The self-titled debut album is released in 1992. The band describes their style as speed folk. Fiddler's Green mixes elements from the ...
The Galway Girl
The Galway GirlFiddler's Green

3 Cheers for 30 Years


All for Me Grog
All for Me GrogFiddler's Green

3 Cheers for 30 Years


Stay by My Side
Stay by My SideFiddler's Green

King Shepherd


My Way
My WayFiddler's Green

Another Sky

Knock on Wood
Knock on WoodFiddler's Green

Another Sky

A Night In Dublin
A Night In DublinFiddler's Green

Winners & Boozers


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