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Fionn Regan

Rock music
Pop music
Folk music
Fionn Regan is an Irish folk singer-songwriter whose 2006 debut, The End of History, was nominated for the Mercury Prize in the UK, the Shortlist Prize in America, and the Choice Music Prize in his native Ireland. Born in 1981 in Bray, Wicklow, he kicked off his career at 19 years old, recording six independent EPs before partnering with a British label, Bella Union, for The End of History's European release. One year later, Lost Highway Records released the album in America. The End of History was a critical success on both sides of the Atlantic, with Fionn Regan being hailed as...
The Meetings of the Waters
The Meetings of the WatersFionn Regan

The Meetings of Tee Waters


AbacusFionn Regan

The End of History


1st Day of May
1st Day of MayFionn Regan

100 Acres of Sycamore


100 Acres of Sycamore
100 Acres of SycamoreFionn Regan

100 Acres of Sycamore


Protection Racket
Protection RacketFionn Regan

The Shadow of an Empire


Snowy Atlas Mountains
Snowy Atlas MountainsFionn Regan

The End of History


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