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Fred Mandujano

California Line
California LineRob Baird, Darden Smith, Chris Bell, Robert Baird, Brian Douglas Phillips, Fred Mandujano, Jacob Hildebrand and Z Lynch


Keep My Mind off You
Keep My Mind off YouBlue Water Highway, Zachary L. Kibodeaux, Brian Douglas Phillips, Joe Causey, Fred Mandujano, Jacob Hildebrand and Gregory Essington (contributor)


Was It You
Was It YouSydney Wright, Alejandro Ponce, Thomas Justin Schneider, Fred Mandujano, Jacob Hildebrand, James Heinritz, Jimi Fish and Taylor Webb


Life Is Hard
Life Is HardTeddy Long, Natalie Price, Kevin Butler, Lang Freeman, Brian Douglas Phillips, Fred Mandujano, Jason Caviola (contributor), Natalie Long (contributor), Theodore A. Lo and Waylon Long (contributor)


How Billy Mitchell Wound up Dead
How Billy Mitchell Wound up DeadTeddy Long, Kevin Butler, Lang Freeman, Fred Mandujano, Jason Caviola (contributor) and Theodore A. Long (contributor)


Nothing Tween My Ears
Nothing Tween My EarsTeddy Long, Kevin Butler, Lang Freeman, Fred Mandujano, Jason Caviola (contributor) and Theodore A. Long (contributor)
