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Freddie King

Early R&B
Soul music
Nicknamed "The Texas Cannonball", Freddie King was one of the great early electric blues guitarists and a key influence on the likes of Eric Clapton, Stevie Ray Vaughan and Peter Green. Taught to play as a six-year-old by his uncle, King worked in a steel mill before gaining gigs in Chicago as sideman to the likes of Earl Payton, Willie Dixon, Memphis Slim and Eddie Taylor. His reputation grew when instrumental single Hide Away became a surprise R&B hit in 1961 and evolved into a blues standard covered by a number of great guitar players. The Stumble, San-Ho-Zay and I'm Tore Down...
Same Old Blues
Same Old BluesFreddie King

Getting Ready...


Have You Ever Loved a Woman
Have You Ever Loved a WomanFreddie King

Freddy King Sings


Sweet Home Chicago
Sweet Home ChicagoFreddie King

The Texas Cannonball - Live at the Texas Opry House


Hide Away
Hide AwayFreddie King

Let's Hide Away and Dance Away


I'm Tore Down
I'm Tore DownFreddie King and Freddy King

Freddy King Sings


Hide Away
Hide AwayEarl King and Freddie King

Let's Hide Away and Dance Away


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