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Freddie Mercury

Rock music
Hard rock
Freddie Mercury (born Farrokh Bulsara) remains one of rock's ultimate characters; an outrageously flamboyant personality who would strut around raising the audience to a frenzy with the incredible range of his voice and a vast repertoire of rock classics. Born to Persian parents in Zanzibar, where his father was a cashier at the British Colonial Office, Mercury later went to boarding school in India, changed his name to Freddie and formed his first band, playing piano with The Hectics. When he was 17 he moved to England with his family and studied art, going on to join various ba...
Love Me Like There's No Tomorrow
Love Me Like There's No TomorrowFreddie Mercury

Mr. Bad Guy

Living on My Own
Living on My OwnFreddie Mercury

The Freddie Mercury Album


I Was Born to Love You
I Was Born to Love You 


Freddie Mercury

The Very Best of Freddie Mercury Solo

The Great Pretender
The Great PretenderFreddie Mercury

Greatest Hits III


The Great Pretender
The Great PretenderQueen and Freddie Mercury

The Platinum Collection: Greatest Hits I, II & III


Love Kills
Love KillsFreddie Mercury

Metropolis [B.O.F.]


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