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Frederica Von Stade

Classical music
Reprise: Climb Ev'ry Mountain
Reprise: Climb Ev'ry MountainErich Kunzel, Eileen Farrell, Frederica Von Stade, Cincinnati Pops Orchestra and Chorus

The Sound Of Music


Falling In Love With Love
Falling In Love With LoveFrederica Von Stade, London Symphony Orchestra, John McGlinn and Ambrosian Chorus

Rodgers & Hart: Songs From The Shows

It's a Raggy Waltz, song
It's a Raggy Waltz, songFrederica Von Stade and Chris Brubeck


Climb Ev'ry Mountain
Climb Ev'ry MountainErich Kunzel, Eileen Farrell, Frederica Von Stade and Cincinnati Pops Orchestra

The Sound Of Music


Reprise: Sixteen Going on Seventeen
Reprise: Sixteen Going on SeventeenErich Kunzel, Frederica Von Stade, Cincinnati Pops Orchestra, Jeanne Menke and Neil Jones

The Sound Of Music


My Favorite Things
My Favorite Things 

From The Sound of Music

Kathleen Battle, André Previn, Frederica Von Stade and Wynton Marsalis
