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Furry Lewis

Delta Blues
Acoustic blues
One of the great American blues guitarists, Furry Lewis gained fame in the 1920s and dropped out of the music business for more than three decades but lived long enough to be celebrated in the blues revival led by British rock bands in the 1960s. Known for his agile acoustic bottleneck-guitar style, story-telling lyrics and winning personality, he opened for The Rolling Stones when their 'Tour of the Americas' hit Memphis in 1975 because Keith Richards was such a big fan. He toured with Leon Russell and The Alabama State Troupers, influenced many other rockers and left a canon of...
I Will Turn Your Money Green
I Will Turn Your Money GreenFurry Lewis

Furry Lewis

I Will Turn Your Money Green
I Will Turn Your Money GreenFrank Stokes and Furry Lewis

Furry Lewis


Rock Island Blues
Rock Island BluesFurry Lewis

1927-9: The Early Years


I Will Turn Your Money Green
I Will Turn Your Money GreenCharley Patton and Furry Lewis

Furry Lewis


St. Louis Blues
St. Louis BluesFurry Lewis

Back On My Feet Again


61 Highway
61 HighwayFurry Lewis and Mississippi Fred McDowell


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