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Ambient music
Electronic music
An Indian musician and singer born in Flushing, New York, Ganayva Doraiswamy grew up in the Tamil Nadu region, where she learned the art of singing, bharata natyam dance and several instruments. After graduating in drama from Broward Community College and in psychology, she continued her studies at Berklee College of Music in Boston, at UCLA in ethno-musicology and at Harvard in creative practice. After recording a debut album of vocal jazz sung in Tamil and Sanskrit, Aikyam: Onnu (2018), Ganayva set to work during the Covid-19 pandemic composing for Peter Sellars' film This Body...
16 Candles
16 CandlesRaveena and Ganavya

Where the Butterflies Go in the Rain


Formwela 2
Formwela 2Esperanza Spalding and Ganavya


el juego
el juegoMunir Hossn and Ganavya

Sister, Idea

Into The Forest
Into The ForestJahnavi Harrison and Ganavya


esperançaMunir Hossn and Ganavya

Sister, Idea

brother, idea
brother, ideaMunir Hossn and Ganavya

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