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Gavin Moss

Electro pop
Electronic music
House music
Gavin Moss is a DJ and music producer from Barcelona. Influenced by artists such as DJ Snake, The Chainsmokers, Diplo and Fume, he released his first track "Dune" in 2015."My Life Is Going On ", which he released in 2015 together with Cecilia Krull, was played several million times on streaming platforms. 2021 saw the release of the single " What Is Love", a reinterpretation of Haddaway's cult hit.
Bam Bam
Bam BamGavin Moss, Yall and Dalvin

Bam Bam


What Is Love
What Is LoveRoyale Avenue, Gavin Moss, Dwin and Nito-Onna

What Is Love


If You Feel
If You Feel 

Gavin Moss Remix

Cats on Trees and Gavin Moss



Follow Me
Follow MeGavin Moss, Urban Love and Tom Polo

Follow Me


My Life Is Going on
My Life Is Going on 

Cecilia Krull vs. Gavin Moss

Cecilia Krull and Gavin Moss

Fun Club 2018 Vol. 2


Take It Slow
Take It SlowDual Sessions, Urban Love and Gavin Moss

Take It Slow


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