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Gavin Turek

Dance music
Electronic music
Born on April 19, 1987, in Los Angeles, California, Gavin Turek is an American singer, actress, and dancer. The daughter of a pianist father and a gospel-singing mother, she grew up surrounded by music, citing legends like Stevie Wonder, Prince, and Michael Jackson as some of her earliest influences. Although her initial passion led her to the dance floors of India and Ghana, her love for singing eventually commanded the spotlight. Her journey in music was catalyzed by two game-changing collaborations: the ethereal track "Darkest Dim" with producer TOKiMONSTA, and a dynamic assoc...
IOUGavin Turek


Disco Boots
Disco BootsGavin Turek


Lucky U
Lucky UTOKiMONSTA and Gavin Turek

Eternal Reverie


Good Look for You
Good Look for YouGavin Turek and Gigamesh


It's The Light
It's The LightGavin Turek


Back On The Market
Back On The MarketGavin Turek