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Gene Vincent

Rock music
Country rock
Country music
He was one of the first rock'n'roll heroes responsible for popularising the genre in the 1950s, but Gene Vincent was a troubled character who led a turbulent life until his premature death in 1971 at the age of 36. Vincent's parents ran a store in Virginia and he grew up listening to country, blues and gospel music and was given his first guitar at the age of 12. A career in the US navy was ended by a motor bike accident which shattered his left leg and he spent the rest of his life with a severe limp suffering chronic pain. Getting involved in the local music scene in Norfolk, V...
Gonna Back up Baby
Gonna Back up BabyGene Vincent

Bluejean Bop!


Rocky Road Blues
Rocky Road BluesGene Vincent

Boy Meets Girls Tv Shows, Vol. 1

I Sure Miss You
I Sure Miss YouGene Vincent, Blue Caps and Gene Vincent & the Blue Caps

Gene Vincent and the Blue Caps


Dance In The Street
Dance In The StreetEddie Cochran and Gene Vincent

The Capitol Years


See You Later Alligator
See You Later AlligatorGene Vincent

You Told a Fib
You Told a FibGene Vincent

Gene Vincent and the Blue Caps

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