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George Gershwin

Classical music
Film score
One of the pre-eminent stars of the classic American Songbook era, George Gershwin's music became an indelible part of Broadway and films even though he died of a brain tumour in 1937 aged 38. With his lyricist brother Ira Gershwin, he captured the energy of the Roaring Twenties with a mix of orchestral structure, Yiddish music hall, brash big bands and African-American rhythms. Growing up in New York's Yiddish Theater District, Gershwin had several music teachers including composers Charles Hambitzer and Rubin Goldmark and theorist Henry Cowell. He left school at 15 and found...
MaybeGeorge Gershwin and Bing Crosby

George Gershwin - A Celebration: Fascinating Rhythm


Of Thee I Sing (Baby)
Of Thee I Sing (Baby)George Gershwin and Ella Fitzgerald

Gene Purling's The Hi-Lo's


Strike Up the Band
Strike Up the BandGeorge Gershwin, Judy Garland, MGM Orchestra & Chorus, Mickey Rooney and Six Hits and a Miss

The Great American Songbook


I Got Plenty O' Nuttin'
I Got Plenty O' Nuttin'George Gershwin and Sammy Davis, Jr.

Porgy and Bess


I Got Rhythm
I Got RhythmGeorge Gershwin, Judy Garland, MGM Orchestra & Chorus, Mickey Rooney, Hal Hopper, Tommy Dorsey & His Orchestra, Trudy Erwin, Music Maids, Six Hits and a Miss and Bobbie Canvin

Girl Crazy


Love Is Here to Stay
Love Is Here to StayGeorge Gershwin and Shirley Horn

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