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Giuseppe di Stefano

Classical music
Giuseppe di Stefano was a operatic star of the post-World War Two era known for his energetic delivery with clear diction in a highly textured voice that critics and audiences found thrilling. He won worldwide acclaim in partnership with iconic soprano Maria Callas and versions of their many recordings of works by Puccini, Rigoletto, Mascagni and Verdi have been released to great acclaim. Born in a small Sicilian village, he grew up in Milan after his family moved there and after he joined a church choir he studied for the priesthood but changed his mind, opting for a career i...
Nessun dorma!
Nessun dorma! 

From Turandot

Giuseppe di Stefano

Giuseppe Di Stefano: Operatic Recital


Parlami D'amore Mariu'
Parlami D'amore Mariu'Dee Dee Joy, Giuseppe di Stefano and Larry Franco

