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Gloria Lasso

French chanson
Tango music
World music
Born in Vilafranca del Penedès, Catalonia, on October 28, 1922, Spanish-born singer Gloria Lasso popularized a Latin repertoire in France in the late 1950s. Nothing predisposed this child of a modest family, tossed from one province to another, to become a singing star. Married to a guitarist in 1938, she sang in cabarets and recorded 78-tours before trying her luck in Paris, where the couple settled in 1952. Noticed by an artistic director at Pathé-Marconi, Gloria Lasso added French songs to her repertoire and scored a major hit in 1955 with "Étrangère au paradis", Francis Blanc...
Dansons, mon amour
Dansons, mon amourFranck Pourcel & His Orchestra and Gloria Lasso

Bon Voyage !

Adios muchachos
Adios muchachosGloria Lasso and Paul Fersen & His Orchestra

Dansez avec Gloria Lasso

ROMEOPetula Clark, Les Compagnons de la Chanson, Dario Moreno, JACQUES HELIAN (ET SON ORCHESTRE), JERRY MENGO and Gloria Lasso

Gloria Lasso - Comédien

BUENAS NOCHES MI AMORAndré Claveau, CLAUDE ROBIN, Claude Nouyes, Gloria Lasso, Marco Attali, Mario Capaldi and Nati Mistral

Cirque Pinder Présente Gloria Lasso

Muchas gracias
Muchas graciasGloria Lasso and Franck Pourcel & His Orchestra

Gloria Lasso

ROMEOPetula Clark, Les Compagnons de la Chanson, Dario Moreno, JACQUES HELIAN (ET SON ORCHESTRE), JERRY MENGO and Gloria Lasso


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