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Goutam Ghose

Meri Jaan
Meri JaanAmit Kumar, Nida Fazli, Goutam Ghose and Poornima

Poochho Na Poochho
Poochho Na PoochhoSapna, Anjaan, Goutam Ghose and Shabbir Kumar

Hum Tum
Hum TumManna Dey, Kavita Krishnamurthy, Nida Fazli and Goutam Ghose

Geeton Par Pehre
Geeton Par PehreAmit Kumar, Nida Fazli and Goutam Ghose

Vote Do
Vote DoAmit Kumar, Nida Fazli, Goutam Ghose and Poornima

Meri Jaan (Reprise)
Meri Jaan (Reprise)Amit Kumar, Nida Fazli, Goutam Ghose and Poornima