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Gulddreng is the stage name used by modern pop singer, rapper, and musician Malte Ebert, who was born in Andkær, Denmark, on June 26, 1994. Gulddreng – which translates into ‘golden boy’ – was a pseudonym used to hide his real identity. He was also known for wearing sunglasses to add to his image. His first single, “Model”, was released in 2016 and rose to Number 1 in the Danish Top 40 chart. Gulddreng released a total of eight singles in 2016 with seven of them hitting the top spot on the chart. The eighth and final single of the year, “Utro”, only rose to Number 3. In 2017, he ...
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Langt VækGulddreng

Guld Jul
Guld JulGulddreng

Guld Jul



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Længere VækGulddreng

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Stop NuGulddreng

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Bedste VenGulddreng

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