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H JeuneCrack

Rap music
French alternative hip hop
French trap music
Born in 2001, Albi-born rapper H JeuneCrack joined the Diamond League collective (Nyluu and SknnyBoy), with whom he released the"Henny Summer Hits" mixtape in 2020. In 2022, he released his solo project"3ème Cycle", which featured numerous collaborations. He himself appeared on two Mairo tracks that year,"La Vigne" and"Merci Bonne journée". Also in 2022, he teamed up with producer Bricksty for an EP entitled"Cactus Musique". The following year, he released the mixtape"Matière Première", composed with Jordann's help. Both producer and rapper, he stands out for his acidly humorous ...
Très à propos (Tres a propos)
Très à propos (Tres a propos)Caballero & JeanJass and H JeuneCrack

High & Fines Herbes – Édition 420


Le sac
Le sacH JeuneCrack and Sheldon



Mauvaise Musique
Mauvaise MusiqueBeamer and H JeuneCrack

Mauvaise Musique


Dérapages (Derapages)
Dérapages (Derapages)H JeuneCrack and Beamer

Mauvaise Musique


Freestyle Disco
Freestyle DiscoBeamer and H JeuneCrack

Mauvaise Musique


10 balles
10 ballesabel31 and H JeuneCrack

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