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Hal McKusick

Born in Medford, Massachusetts on June 1, 1924, Hal McKusick was a jazz alto saxophonist, flutist, clarinetist, and educator. His musical career began when he worked with several big bands led by Woody Herman (1943), Boyd Raeburn (1944-45), Alvino Rey (1946), and Claude Thornhill (1948-49). In 1955, McKusick released East Coast Jazz Series No. 8, his first album as a leader. Over the next two years, that debut was followed in quick succession by a series of albums including In a Twentieth-Century Drawing Room (1956), Jazz at the Academy (1957), The Jazz Workshop (1957), and Cross...
You Don't Know What Love Is
You Don't Know What Love IsHal McKusick and Hal McKusick Quartet

The Complete Barry Galbraith, Milt Hinton And Osie Johnson Recordings


These Foolish Things
These Foolish ThingsHal McKusick and Hal McKusick Quartet

The Complete Barry Galbraith, Milt Hinton And Osie Johnson Recordings

That Old Black Magic
That Old Black MagicHal McKusick and Bette St. Claire

Over The Rainbow (remastered)


You're My Thrill
You're My ThrillHal McKusick

Cross Section Saxes


Old Devil Moon
Old Devil MoonHal McKusick


The Settlers and the Indians
The Settlers and the IndiansHal McKusick

Triple Exposure

