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Hal McKusick Quartet

Serenade in Blue
Serenade in BlueHal McKusick and Hal McKusick Quartet

The Complete Barry Galbraith, Milt Hinton And Osie Johnson Recordings

These Foolish Things
These Foolish ThingsHal McKusick and Hal McKusick Quartet

The Complete Barry Galbraith, Milt Hinton And Osie Johnson Recordings

How Long Has This Been Going On
How Long Has This Been Going OnHal McKusick and Hal McKusick Quartet

The Complete Barry Galbraith, Milt Hinton And Osie Johnson Recordings


You Don't Know What Love Is
You Don't Know What Love IsHal McKusick and Hal McKusick Quartet

The Complete Barry Galbraith, Milt Hinton And Osie Johnson Recordings


Over the Rainbow
Over the RainbowHal McKusick and Hal McKusick Quartet

The Complete Barry Galbraith, Milt Hinton And Osie Johnson Recordings

Prelude to a Kiss
Prelude to a KissHal McKusick and Hal McKusick Quartet

The Complete Barry Galbraith, Milt Hinton And Osie Johnson Recordings