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Hape Kerkeling

Audio books in German
German comedian, singer, actor, author and voice actor Hape Kerleing was born Hans-Peter Wilhelm Kerkeling in Recklinghausen on December 9, 1964. He grew up in Recklinghausen as the second son of a florist and a carpenter and spent much of his childhood in his maternal grandmother's corner store. At the age of eight, his mother, who suffered from severe depression, took her own life and from then on he grew up with his grandparents, father and brother. While still at grammar school, he released the record Hawaii together with Achim Hagemann and others as the band Gesundfutter. At...
Wenn ich erst groß bin (Wenn ich erst gross bin)
Wenn ich erst groß bin (Wenn ich erst gross bin) 

Die Eiskönigin 2

Hape Kerkeling

Die Eiskönigin 2 [B.O.F.]


So wird's immer sein
So wird's immer sein 

Die Eiskönigin 2

Pia Allgaier, Hape Kerkeling, Willemijn Verkaik and Leonhard Mahlich

Die Eiskönigin 2 [B.O.F.]


Merry Christmas Allerseits
Merry Christmas Allerseits 

Duett Version

Udo Jürgens and Hape Kerkeling (Udo Juergens)

Zärtlicher Chaot


Glaub an dich
Glaub an dichHape Kerkeling

Mal unter uns ...

Das ganze Leben ist ein Quiz
Das ganze Leben ist ein QuizHape Kerkeling

Kein Pardon


Ich leb den Traum
Ich leb den TraumHape Kerkeling

Mal unter uns ...


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