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Harold Mabern

Hard bop pianist Harold Mabern used his wide array of skills to become one of the most well-respected, albeit not the most well-known, jazz pianists of his era. Born in Memphis, Tennessee, on March 20, 1936, Mabern was a self-taught player and tried his luck in Chicago before landing a gig with Lionel Hampton in New York City in the late 1950s. He continued to pay his dues as a sideman for the next few years, culminating in a six-week stint in San Francisco alongside Miles Davis in 1963. His debut as a leader, A Few Miles from Memphis, arrived in 1968, and was the first of s...
Just Squeeze Me (But Don't Tease Me)
Just Squeeze Me (But Don't Tease Me)Contemporary Piano Ensemble, Donald Brown, James Williams, Harold Mabern and Mulgrew Miller

The Key Players


I Want You Back
I Want You BackHarold Mabern



You Don't Know What Love Is
You Don't Know What Love IsHarold Mabern


Save the Best for Last
Save the Best for LastHarold Mabern


Sweet Lorraine
Sweet LorraineHarold Mabern


Straighten up and Fly Right
Straighten up and Fly RightHarold Mabern and Geoff Keezer

For Phineas


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