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Harry Simeone Chorale

Pop music
Middle of the Road (MOR)
The Harry Simeone Chorale was formed in Hollywood in 1958 at the request of film studio Twentieth Century Fox by pianist, arranger and conductor Harry Simeone, who worked in the movie industry after graduating from the Julliard School of Music. They released a seasonal album titled 'Sing We Now of Christmas' and had an immediate hit with the single 'The Little Drummer Boy' based on a 1941 song written by Katherine Kennicott. They recorded other seasonal and worship music through 1966 and their albums and hit singles have been re-released many times. Simeone died aged 89 in 2005. ...
The Little Drummer Boy
The Little Drummer Boy 

Single Version

Harry Simeone Chorale

The Little Drummer Boy


The Little Drummer Boy
The Little Drummer BoyHarry Simeone Chorale

The Little Drummer Boy

The Little Drummer Boy
The Little Drummer BoyThomas Kinkade and Harry Simeone Chorale

The Little Drummer Boy


El Tamborilero
El Tamborilero 

Single Version

Harry Simeone Chorale


El Tamborilero
El TamborileroThomas Kinkade and Harry Simeone Chorale


Little Drummer Boy
Little Drummer Boy 


Harry Simeone and Harry Simeone Chorale

Little Drummer Boy


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